Member Login

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The membership fee to join A.L.P.A.C.A is $74.00.
Please complete the form below and send a cheque to:
Box 78098,
RPO Callingwood,
Edmonton, AB,
T5T 6A1, Canada.

Name: * This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile
Username: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Username: : Please enter a valid User Name.  No spaces, more than 2 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z
E-mail: * This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: E-mail: : Please enter a valid e-mail address.
Password: * This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: Password: : Please enter a valid Password.  No spaces, more than 6 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z
Verify Password: * This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile
Farm/Company Name: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
Owner(s)/Contact: This Field IS visible on profile
Address: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
City: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
Province: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
Postal Code: * This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
Telephone: This Field IS visible on profile
Fax: This Field IS visible on profile
Display Email: This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Display Email : This email will be publicly displayed.
Website: This Field IS visible on profile
* This Field is required This Field is required | This Field IS visible on profile This Field IS visible on profile | This Field IS NOT visible on profile This Field IS NOT visible on profile | Information for: ? : Field description: Move mouse over icon Field description: Move mouse over icon